Removed an AI cheat for pop-growth that always added some, and not looking at healthcare levels. AI will no longer empty a building to make soldiers out of it. Rebel troops no longer decrease militancy in the province they are in. Rebels now start at properly scripted sizes at start of scenairo. Australia & New Zealand now gets some immigration bonus. Nationalism now starts at strongest and then fades to nothing during the end of the decade. Fixed a crash with large peace-treaties. AI will no longer be hurt by bad population growth because its pops are taxed too heavily. Fixed a problem with primitive setting on tax. Pops that devolve now devolve to pops of same culture. You can no longer convert a pop that is in rebellion. Tweaked AI capitilist conversion scheme further. (No more -4343 manpower unless a country are truly fucked in the setup.) Armies are now resized to maximum strength compared to the amount of manpower a nation really has. (And not use the ones from ships that has no manpower cost in builds.)

Fixed a bunch of calculation errors for max-manpowers, and it should now use the correct manpower cost of a unit. AI is now less likely to convert capitalists. Fixed the crashbug with eventcommand for alliances referring to annexed countries. RGO's are no longer capped at 1 for primitive nations. Fixed a reason for when partisan message arrived when it should not. The AI will no longer cheat by increase mobpool as much as possible, and are now using the same restricts as the player. Tweaked industrial power to only take into account open factories, and how many pops are in them. Fixed the crashbug with the "ai = XXX" if XXX was not existing anymore. Tweaked probability for nations building factories to build more basic ones if needed. Improved the AI that handles upgrading of their obsolete fleets. Forced disarmament now destroys the mobilization pool of the loser, not the winner of the war. AI now learned to trade tech with other AI nations. Recoded a system which caused the AI to think it had way too many unemployed. AI is now slightly more restrictive about when to build factories. AI now creates capitalists if it needs them. Added a bonus from 'national province size' for american nations to attract immigrants. Removed the super-US bonus on target immigration. Removed the hardcoded bonus for some certain cultures to go to certain nations. Immigrants to an overseas nation will now only go to the provinces on the same continent then.

Fixed a crashbug with reorganising units.